Do you inspire your team?
Do You Inspire Your Team? My experience shows me that a very small percentage of company presidents, managers and supervisors truly inspire their staff. They might build solid teams, set clear expectations and reach most of their goals, but they fail to inspire their...
What’s Your Why?
What’s Your Why? What's Your Why? When I hit the three-year mark in my own business, I did what many business owners and entrepreneurs do, I hit a wall. No matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to find my way around it, over it, or through it. It wasn’t my sales or...
How to Manage Holiday Stress
How to Manage Holiday Stress Using Relaxation Techniques This time of the year, most of us experience a high level of holiday stress. Trying to finish everything you told yourself you’d get done this year in your business, combined with the stress of shopping and...
How To Create An Accountable Team, Part 2
I got such positive response to my last post on creating an accountable team that I decided to turn it into a series, so, welcome to part 2! So why put into action an accountability strategy in your business? What are the keys to putting it in place, what are the...
Is Your Team Accountable?
When things don’t go as planned in your business; schedules missed, customer’s expectations not met, quality of work not up to standards; what do you hear? Blame, excuses, denial? Or ownership of the issue, accountability for the results and responsibility for...
How To Create An Effective Customer Relationship Management Strategy
CRM, Customer relationship management is a key to long-term success that successful business owners actively pursue, and continually improve. A good customer relationship management strategy will help to increase your sales while ensuring that your store or business...
Six Steps to Boost Sales
Six Steps to Boost Sales Without exception, every business owner I talk to says they want to boost sales. How well, how often and how profitably – your business makes a sale, determines its success. It follows then, that motivation and performance of the sales team...
How To Advertise Online for Pennies
Advertise Online For Free According to marketing experts, businesses spend somewhere between 2-5% of their gross sales just on advertising. Unfortunately, many small businesses which are still relatively new do not have that kind of revenue to invest in marketing in...
Cashflow Crunch or Financial Mastery?
Most business owners hope that they have Financial Mastery of their business, but let's not just "hope", let's make certain that you do! In the ActionCOACH system, the first stage in the foundation level is FINANCIAL MASTERY. Financial mastery is one of the skills,...
How To Win The Pricing Game
In more than 25 years of making pricing decisions and of observing others making pricing decisions, I have come to the conclusion that there is no single business decision that you can make more quickly, but which deserves more thoughtful consideration than the...
5 Ways To Improve Your Communication Skills
5 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Effective communication is key to your development and progress, not to mention that of your team! Without effective communication, you will lag behind in many aspects of your personal and professional life. And your team,...
Are You Leading or Managing?
Are You Leading Or Managing Your Company? As the owner or chief executive in your company, how much time do you spend on leading and not just managing? If your goal is to create a growing, profitable business that can work...