Is Your Quoting Process Losing You Money?

As customers move away from accepting ticket prices at face value, more and more businesses are using quoting to generate a price to present to customers. But there are hidden traps in the quoting process that business owners need to watch out for.  Businesses who...

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Critical Non-Essentials

Critical Non-Essentials - Make A difference to your Customers Critical Non-Essentials.  Principles You need to know your talents – and lack of them. You have to know your stuff if you want to succeed.   But being technically competent in the core part of your business...

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Manage Your Time or it Will Manage You

Accept – you will never be able to do everything you want… because there is just too much to do. Purpose – the driving force behind managing your time is to accomplish your ultimate goal/s. FOUR SKILLS  required to use your time wisely Analysis, Planning, Delegation,...

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Do You Know the Power of Goals?

In his book, "What They Don't Teach You at Harvard Business School," Mark McCormak made an interesting discovery about the 1979 graduating MBA class. Within the group, 3% had written goals, 13% had thought of some goals and the balance were just thrilled to be out of...

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