The Power of Priorities

power of priorities

As a business owner, you’ll never have enough time to get to everything done. Since you can’t create more time, the real challenge lies in the ability to think ahead, and to have the discipline to do things in order of importance. Using the power of priorities makes the difference between a successful business and just surviving. And the same is true for all areas of our lives.

Leadership trainer and author John Maxwell says, “Thinking ahead and prioritizing responsibilities marks the major differences between a leader and a follower.”

Most people have heard of the Pareto Principle, more commonly known as the 80/20 Principle. Roughly stated, that in most businesses 80% of your business comes from 20 % of your customers.

Other examples of the Pareto Principle are:

Tasks       20 percent of your tasks will bring in 80 percent of your results.
Reading   20 percent of the book contains 80 percent of the content.
Job          20 percent of our work gives us 80 percent of our satisfaction.
Products  20 percent of the products bring in 80 percent of the profits.

So… when it comes to your priorities, 20 percent of your priorities will give you 80 percent of your production, IF you spend your time, energy, money and personnel on the top 20 percent of your priorities. When you do this you are getting a 400% or fourfold return in productivity. Think what this would mean in your business! That’s the power of priorities.

Every business person needs to understand the Pareto Principle as it applies to their personal productivity.

So if you have 10 tasks on your list (you do have them written down on a list right?), 2 of them will produce 5 to 10 times the value of the others. Interestingly, they probably all take roughly the same amount of time to complete. So doesn’t it make sense to find the 2, and focus on them first?

This is the area where most people fall down. You look at your list (you do have a written list right?) and you see 10 things. You see 2 that look easy and fast and you want to feel like you’ve accomplished something, so you say to yourself, OK, lets just bang those out and then I can focus on the harder activities. Hours later, you still haven’t gotten to those top priority projects, it’s now afternoon and your energy is waning, and you don’t have a large enough block of time left to do them, so you vow to tackle them first thing tomorrow. But hey, you cleared out all that clutter from your inbox! Lather, rinse, repeat.

As a business owner, you can decide whether you will be reactive or proactive when it comes to the use of your time. The question is not, “Will I be busy?” but “How will I invest my time?” It’s not “Will my calendar be full?,” but “What will fill my calendar?” Focus on your top 2 priorities that will deliver the highest value first thing in the morning, leave the administrivia for later in the day when you are more tired, and watch your productivity and personal satisfaction rise to new heights!

For more tools on prioritizing your day, go read Brian Tracy, “Eat That Frog“.

What Are the Secrets to Success for Your Business?

Attitude secret to success

What are the secrets to success for your business?

The first secret is there are no secrets to success.  There are however tried and true principles that successful people everywhere use.  So today I would like to share with you the number one key that separates successful business owners from unsuccessful business owners.

What is it? Attitude!

If you ask a room full of people (go ahead, try it) to call out the characteristics of successful people, you’ll find the primary things they come up with are all about attitude, not expertise.

See, I told you, it’s not a secret and it isn’t earth shattering.  And I know that you already know this. However, it doesn’t matter what you know, it only matters what you do with what you know. Knowing is only the first, easiest step.

Why is attitude so important? Very simply put, life changes, and your results change, when you look at them differently.  Instead of focusing on all the challenges you face and telling yourself and others all the reasons, excuses and blame for why you aren’t successful right now, how would you benefit from asking yourself, “How do I make my business or life work in these conditions?”

Successful people talk about the future, their goals and how they’re going to get there.  Unsuccessful people talk about their problems and worries, the bad environment they’re in, and all the reasons and excuses why they can’t be successful.  Which are you? Both of these groups exist in the same place, at the same time, under the same conditions.  The successful people look at any situation, and ask; “How can I be successful here? What could I do differently? What can I learn from this situation?”

In order to develop this skill and attitude you need to follow three fundamental principles of success: Ownership, accountability and responsibility.

Make a decision today, that you are going to take ownership of your life, hold yourself accountable for your actions and take responsibility for your results.  NO excuses.  You have complete control over your life if you take responsibility.  You are responsible for:

1)   Everything that you do

2)   Everything that you don’t do

3)   How you respond to everything that happens to you

How good are you at taking ownership of your life, holding yourself accountable for your actions and taking responsibility for your results?

If you find yourself blaming others, making excuses and living in denial then you have plenty of room for improvement.  If you hear yourself saying, “I couldn’t do that because . . . “ STOP, take responsibility, and figure out what you could have done differently to create a more successful outcome.

As soon as you decide to commit to taking action to improve your attitude and the success of your business, please contact me or attend one of my seminars. Your success is our business!