planWhy You Need to Learn to Plan (And Plan to Learn)

We’ve all heard the saying, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” But how many of us really take it seriously or take action on it?  Do we even clearly understand the benefits?  Why we should do it and what is the value to us?

In my experience, until we understand the WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) we never really do anything.  Normally we need a strong perceived benefit before we’ll generally do anything!

So let’s first take a step back and explore when we do understand planning.  Two of the best examples are: 1. A wedding; and 2. Building a house.

Most weddings are either pretty good or even great.  And even if you have been to a lousy one, it’s normally in the minority.  Weddings generally work out well because they’ve had literally months and months of planning.  Planners consider every detail and the plans get reviewed and adjusted all throughout the months before the big day.

For the second example, consider this:

Assistant (at Home Depot):    ‘Hi, this is Joe Soap how may I assist you?”

You: “Hi Joe, I’ve just thought about building a house and want to order some bricks please.”

Assistant: “Sure, how many would you like?”

You: “Well I’m not sure, how many do you usually need for a house?”

Assistant: “That depends on the house.  Have you thought about the color yet?”

You: “Not yet so maybe give me a few in every color you’ve got.”

This interaction seems absurd, as no one would ever just start building a house.  We’d go through meticulous planning, designing and re-planning, long before we even get to ordering the bricks.  First in our imagination, and then with an architect and, even a designer.

Yet I see business owners managing their businesses this way every day.  Going through the daily motions, keeping all the balls in the air, without a clear plan for getting where they want to go.

So let’s see how and where planning fits in:

  1. Dream
  2. Goal
  3. Plan
  4. Action

Once you have spent some time on getting clear on your dreams and goals (this is another subject), the next step would be to set SMART goals.  SMART goals are then translated into plans so that the actions we take again feed up the line to ultimately achieving our dreams.  This would be the same for business goals and personal dreams.

The disconnect between these 4 areas normally result in things like procrastination, boredom, being overwhelmed, burnout and the like.  Once you have absolute clarity at each step, it’s easy to focus, and more often than not, you achieve your goals and ultimately dreams faster than initially expected.

With this understanding, I often find people wanting to then go straight into planning over a long period.  If you’re not yet good at planning your day, there is no use in trying to plan the next three years.  Develop a good daily planning habit first (Read, Eat That Frog, Tracy or First Things First, Covey).


So to start, get some clarity on what you’d like to achieve in the next 3 years.  With that in mind, what is it you’d like to achieve in the next 12 months?  Once you’ve got the 12 month goals, break them down and work backwards to what you should do in the next 90 days only.  Start the planning at that level and first get good at creating a 90-day plan, like you would if you’ve been to my GrowthCLUB.  Then break it into monthly focus areas and weekly goals, plans and actions that again connect to the 90-day goals.

Take daily action and get good at reviewing the daily plan and preparing for the next.  Then move towards working on the weekly review and planning for the week ahead, and so on.  Before long you’ll have exercised your planning ‘muscle’ and will be getting good at annual and then three-yearly planning.

Planning is a tool for achieving your dreams, and the more you work on it, and have fun with it, the more your life and business will bear the fruits.  Block out time on your calendar right now when you are going to do this goal setting and planning, then go for it!

For more help, come to my next GrowthClub on June 22nd.